Courageous Kidz

TastemakersCHS was so excited to partner with Courageous Kidz this month- a Charleston-based nonprofit that provides respite and creates positive experiences for children with cancer.
Courageous Kidz acknowledges the stresses and strain cancer can put on families, marriages, financial situations, and mental health. They aim to combat that by creating free fun opportunities for children and their families to help them gain a sense of normalcy. The events and camps Courageous Kidz hosts connect families and children struggling with the same or similar issues, providing them with a network and ultimately a large local support system.
With the help of Courageous Kidz, Fatty’s Beer Works donated $1 from every pint sold to Austin Weatherford, a local 14-year-old boy who was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2018, as part of our Charity Partnership Program. Between Nov. 17 - Dec. 17 the brewery raised $200 that went directly to sponsoring Austin for Christmas!