Freehouse Brewery

By Libby Williams, @PlateSouth
So…turns out, this time of year is pretty busy. So busy that sometimes we MAYYYYY forget/push to the back burner/postpone doing what we want to (like blogging) because life just gets in the way. Sometimes, you have to work. And then you get sick. And then the work you were supposed to be doing piles up under more work and then you are so behind you can’t imagine how to move ahead and you realize the holidays are coming and OH MY GOSSSHHH you still have to make a turkey and stuffing and people are coming over and how will you get it all done because there are Christmas presents to buy and…. Yeah. Sometimes that happens.
Turns out the holidays are ALL ABOUT busyness. So, maybe this post is exactly what we all need. A REMINDER that we can all SLOW DOWN and grab a beer from Freehouse and life will be easy and free again! Or we can just cozy up with this post and their beer and calm down for a hot minute because it’s all gonna get done. Right? RIGHT????
Turns out, Freehouse Brewery may be the best place to decompress after a long day/week/year/holiday with the family. Situated on the banks of the Ashley River, this brewery is already making waves felt all over the Charleston area’s beer world. And it’s because they are absolutely incredible. Their beer is all organic. That’s right – ORGANIC…no small feat in the beer making industry. This and the fact that they are inspired by local ingredients to create unique and regional flavors makes this brewery appealing to me on an entirely different level. It’s not just about taste anymore. It’s about quality ingredients you don’t mind putting in your body. Now that’s beer I can get behind.
Here we are – the Tastemakers gang – learning about beer! YAYY! More of this please!
Not only is their beer incredible and unique, their location is arguably one of the prettiest in Charleston. Situated on the banks of the Ashley River just a short drive/Uber from downtown, they have sunset views that would make most brewers jealous. And there is room for expansion, leaving the future development of this place primed for an amazing future.
While I am normally not a beer drinker, I took one for the team and decided to belly up for a few samples and find out what this place was about…because A) it’s organic; B) they use local ingredients; and C) I have to for the greater good of mankind…it’s a lot of pressure, really.
We started our sampling with the lightest of the beers (of course) and sampled the Ashley Farmhouse Ale – a dry Belgian-style saison. Completely refreshing with a touch of tart and tang at the end – a perfect light way to start. This is a great summery beer with it’s hazy golden color and mild, hoppy flavor. Just a good, all around flavor and finish.
Next we tried the Folly’s Pride – a crisp golden saison ale with a mild citrus finish. This beer would have paired well with most Lowcountry events – football, oyster roasts, seafood and summertime. Or really just post-thanksgiving-relatives-are-driving-me-crazy time. It’s a good one to get lost in.
Next up was the Battery Brown Ale – a great beer for a cool evening in Charleston. Think oyster roast, chili, s’mores, or post Thanksgiving. It really made for a terrific finish and almost made me excited for winter.
Lastly, I wanted something a little different and more adventurous. They seemed to have plenty of that to go around here. I tried the Blueberry Peche Sourlina. Unique is what I got! This beer was tart and sweet and finished with a kick in the pants – just the beer to drink when you are trying to decide what to do with your brother this Christmas.
All that beer tasting made me a little hungry – which I hear tends to happen. Lucky for me, Dave ‘n Dubs were there slinging dogs for everyone to enjoy! If you can find a spot where this dynamic duo has set up camp, do yourself a favor and sample some of their dogs. They are delicious.
“Dubs”…chillin’ like a villian on the porch while dad slings dogs for the rest of us.
The Brat with Kraut and spicy mustard. DEEELICIOUS!
Honestly, this place is on my recommend to everyone I know spots. It’s delicious, unique and you simply can’t beat the sunsets out there. Time for a trip to Freehouse – just in time to escape the stresses of the holidays.
2895 Pringle St- North Charleston